Cansfield High School

Cansfield High School , Ashton-in-Makersfield, UK


In early 2018 the school started to look into all aspects of energy savings and it became clear that the lighting project was priority.

The overall lighting in the school was not sufficent and in some rooms it was very dark. As a major part of the school operating cost the energy cost were very high. The expectation of school management was that the new lighting schould bring a significant cost reduction.


Based on the light calculation lighting was replaced mainly by 2*2ft panels, linear lights and bulkheads whereas in some corridors we used round panels. Besides energy savings of over 60% the light quality could significantly be improved. “The best of all was the improvement in lighting. We got extra lighting in various places. As an example I’d see the light transformation of the library. The Tech block and the corridors are much brighter and it’s really a big difference in the classrooms.” states Debbie Sutch, Business Mgr of Cansfield High.

Old Lighting: 550 f2*2ft and 2*4ft Raster Luminaires
636 4ft/5ft/6ft Flourescent Tubes
85 Downlights and bulkheads
New lighting: 640 2*2ft LED Panels
75 4ft/5ft LED Linear Lights
24 6ft/8ft LED Round Panels
133 4ft/5ft LED Linear Lights
14 LED Downlight/Bulkheads
Efficiency: 65% Energy Savings
Return on Investment: 3,19 Years
Annual CO²e Reduction: 55,644t

“The solution from LED Distribution was not only very good in terms of lighting quality and installation it was also the cheapest quote and the result is far better than we expected and the return on investment is much shorter than we anticipated. The new light is far better than the old one.”

-Debbie Sutch, Business Manager